Hi, I’m rEENA A. pATEL.
I am a compassionate educational diversity, equity, and inclusion leader. Students deserve to be partners and active educational leaders through their cultural capital to become lifelong, independent, and joyful learners with a critical, collaborative, and global lens. I help educators and administrators by building on collective self-reflection skills to work together to foster an anti-bias and equity-focused foundation from strategic plans to curriculum and campus atmosphere. My core values include honesty, compassion, love, justice, and a love of learning through a communal lens.
lEADERSHIP Approach & Educational lens
I utilize a transformational social justice leadership approach to serve students, educators, families, and communities. In order for all students to reach their full academic potential through critical thinking and a culturally sustaining and community-focused lens, educators and leaders must engage in boundary-spanning to empower the voices of all students by building on collective cultural wealth and engaging in authentic community/school/family partnerships. A vital part of this partnership includes meeting educators and students alike at their level of need and understanding through active listening, decentering, and a deep understanding of the history and cultural context of the community. I lead with an ethic of care and love to build the trust and buy-in required to co-create and maintain accountable and inclusive spaces.
Dream it
Critical social justice and culturally responsive education are the disruptor, healing balm, and gauze to bias.
Build it
If we can learn and teach children and educators to value social justice and each others’ cultural background through warm demand, we can develop a deep awareness for the human dignity required to independently learn with high rigor and integrity; positively affecting global workforce, health, and wellness outcomes.